Donna Cooper

Donna Cooper

Genealogy Reporting


Reporting States  - States no longer have a period after the abbreviation - Missouri is MO not Mo. Tennessee is no longer Tenn. it is now TN and not Tn or Tn..
This situation caused me great difficulty because I typed most of my files before the change and it took ages to get the records changed over. I had some changed and some not changed. It was awful because I let my computer change some of them. Need I say more? 

Rivers Mark the Spot  - Rivers usually don't change courses - study new maps to see how they run and then look at old deeds for streams and references to present day structures. This helps to get perspective and to learn about directions of a certain area. 

Map Usage - A map is easy to use. Always know where your people lived.

When a researcher doesn't know the county their ancestor lived in - then that is trouble in the making. When towns and county's are spelled incorrectly then that is a red flag. Tread with caution. Chances are the researcher did not study what they posted.

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