Donna Cooper

Donna Cooper

Sunday, November 14, 2010


  1. In colonial records sometimes a woman was listed as Miss when she really was married - be careful not to superimpose her martial status. Don't list it as Miss or Mrs. until you know for sure what it is. 
  2. In the colonial days sometimes son-in-law is listed as a step-son and it was standard practice to make a referral like that in a will. 
  3. In colonial records a referral of friend may mean cousin. Be sure and check out all the possible ways that person can be related before discounting him as just a friend. 
  4. Sometimes an uncle may be referred to as a cousin or a friend in colonial times and in older wills, be sure and check out any relationship that is mentioned in a will.  
  5. Note: Probate records and inventories are often overlooked as a valuable resource. 
  6. Probates often times list relatives who were involved in the buying of goods or in the settlement of estates. Example of a sold item at an estate sale might appear such as this - One oil lamp, .02 cents, Uncle John Jones bought it. This may be a neighbor that was referred to as an uncle because he was an older gentlemen or it could have been a relative - or really an uncle.

Old Styles of Handwriting

Old hand writing styles often used the letter "p" for the letter "s" - but the p looks a little different from a regular p. Example: Mipouri

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